Friday, September 2, 2016

What I Did on the :30s

For day 1 (my 30th birthday) I made a list of what I did on the :30 of every hour that I was awake.

I posted the list to my Instagram, here.

6:30am: I woke up.

7:30am: Said goodbye to Gimli because I wasn't coming home that night.

8:30am: Driving into the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel.

9:30am: Stopped at the rest area just before 295.

10:30am: Got my birthday text from Mom, about the same time I was born.

11:30am: Got onto 495.

12:30pm: While stopping for a drink and a snack at 7-11 with Beth, a guy hit on me in Spanish. (He asked me, "Baby tu habla espanol?" and when I said no, he asked, "ingles?" I wasn't going to lie, so I just went back to helping Beth look for a drink.)

1:30pm: Sitting in traffic in Beth's car on the way to Baltimore.

2:30pm: Standing in line for Tom King's autograph for Adam.

3:30pm: Shopping at Baltimore Comic-Con.

4:30pm: Still shopping at Baltimore Comic-Con.

5:30pm: Hearing a guy's pitch about a comic called Hero Cats of Stellar City.

6:30pm: Helping Beth carry her art after we opened her mystery package.

7:30pm: Taking a picture of the very pretty sunset while Beth drove back from Baltimore.

8:30pm: Watching "Primitive Technology" with Beth, Chris, Kit, and Cassy.

9:30pm: Eating a Domino's Cinnastick.

10:30pm: Going to bed on Beth & Chris's couch.

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