Thursday, September 15, 2016

Put Away 30 Dishes

I've been a terrible homemaker this week. Probably because I've been too busy dying on the couch. That's a slight exaggeration, but I've barely been able to leave the apartment, much less clean it. So I've had a dishwasher full of clean dishes for a couple days now, and the other dishes were starting to get impatient about getting in.

I put away 30 items out of the dishwasher, then took a photo of what was still left in the dishwasher:

Why? Well, I've already realized that some of these "30 things" are going to make 30 look like a huge number. (Wait until I try doing 30 push-ups, or running 30... name a distance.) But some of them, like this one, make 30 seem like a pretty small number. Granted, I did do silverware early, and that was at least a dozen items right there, but I really thought 30 items would be almost everything in the dishwasher. Maybe a few glasses or bowls would be left, but this load turned out to be 42 things. Neat!

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